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Gallery 7

Dinosaur tree in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden
Dinosaur tree in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden

Zelkova in spring attire
Zelkova in spring attire


Trunks of the cork oak
Trunks of the cork oak

Acorns of the cork oak
Acorns of the cork oak

Aleppo pine is really a living compass: as a rule its trunk inclines to the south
Aleppo pine is really a living compass: as a rule its trunk inclines to the south

Cones of the aleppo pine
Cones of the aleppo pine

Acacia of Lenkoran is in flower on hot days in June
Acacia of Lenkoran is in flower on hot days in June

Acacia of Lenkoran is in flower on hot days in June
Acacia of Lenkoran is in flower on hot days in June

Hill of succulents. In the foreground: cacti and agava
Hill of succulents. In the foreground: cacti and agava

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