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Gallery 6

Yellow rose with bud in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden
Yellow rose with bud in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden

The 'Klimentina' rose variety raised  in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden by V. Kltmenko was awarded an  honorary prize at the international show in Rome
The 'Klimentina' rose variety raised in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden by V. Kltmenko was awarded an honorary prize at the international show in Rome

Rose — the queen of flowers
Rose — the queen of flowers

 Pool in the Lower Park
Pool in the Lower Park

Japanese delegation to the international Conference on Problems of Environmental Protection visiting the Garden,   1972. Archives photo
Japanese delegation to the international Conference on Problems of Environmental Protection visiting the Garden, 1972. Archives photo

Pergola in the park on Cape Montedor
Pergola in the park on Cape Montedor

Atlas cedar
Atlas cedar

Ornamental variety of weeping glaucous Atlas cedar
Ornamental variety of weeping glaucous Atlas cedar

Nature sometimes assumes shapes that are really whimsical and unique
Nature sometimes assumes shapes that are really whimsical and unique

Spider tree
Spider tree in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden

Running man tree in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden
Running man tree in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden

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