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Gallery 8

Cascade of pools on the descent to the Lower Park
Cascade of pools on the descent to the Lower Park

Excursionists in the Upper Park, Oleander in bloom
Excursionists in the Upper Park, Oleander in bloom

Smaii-fruited strawberry tree, a relict evergreen on the Crimea's southern coast, is under state protection
Smaii-fruited strawberry tree, a relict evergreen on the Crimea's southern coast, is under state protection

"Bather" — decorative sculpture

The Lower Park. One of the oldest holm oaks
The Lower Park. One of the oldest holm oaks

Trunks of large-fruited  cypresses of great age and the giant sequoia
Trunks of large-fruited cypresses of great age and the giant sequoia

Children in the Nikitski Botanikal Garden
Children in the Nikitski Botanikal Garden

Tulips in bloom
Tulips in bloom

Tulips in bloom
Tulips in bloom

Tulips in bloom
Tulips in bloom

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