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Gallery 6

137. Planting of the rhizomes of the bearded iris correct incorrect
137. Planting of the rhizomes of the bearded iris correct incorrect

138. Pollination of the iris flower: a — emasculation of the flower and removal of the falls, б — application of the pollen and labelling, в - an envelope for the pollen, г — pollen in the tube
138. Pollination of the iris flower: a — emasculation of the flower and removal of the falls, б — application of the pollen and labelling, в - an envelope for the pollen, г — pollen in the tube

139. 'Temriuk'
139. 'Temriuk'

140.  'Zvezdopad'
140. 'Zvezdopad'

141.  'Zolotoj Orfej'
141. 'Zolotoj Orfej'

142. 'Olimpiada'
142. 'Olimpiada'

143.  'Arkadij Raikin'
143. 'Arkadij Raikin'

144.  'Smugloje Serdechko'
144. 'Smugloje Serdechko'

145. 'Malaja Zemlia'
145. 'Malaja Zemlia'

146. 'Ala-Tau'
146. 'Ala-Tau'

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