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Gallery 5

127. 'South Pacific'
127. 'South Pacific'

128. 'Creithie'
128. 'Creithie'

129. 'Kliffs of Dover'
129. 'Kliffs of Dover'

130.  Structure of the bearded iris flower: a — standards, б — stigma, в — falls, г — crests, д — stamen, e — style branch, ж — ovary, з — beard, и — spathe
130. Structure of the bearded iris flower: a — standards, б — stigma, в — falls, г — crests, д — stamen, e — style branch, ж — ovary, з — beard, и — spathe

131.  Position of falls: a — spreading, б - semidrooping, в — drooping
131. Position of falls: a — spreading, б - semidrooping, в — drooping

132.  Types of flower stalks: a - sessiflorous, б — short-branched,  в — candilabrumlike, г - tall-branched
132. Types of flower stalks: a - sessiflorous, б — short-branched, в — candilabrumlike, г - tall-branched

133.  Iris seeds: a - hybrid (garden)iris, б -dwarf iris, в — Iris iberica, г — Iris pseuda-corus, д — Iris kaempferi, e — Iris setosa, ж — Iris halophila, з — Iris foetidissima, и — Iris ruthenica
133. Iris seeds: a - hybrid (garden)iris, б -dwarf iris, в — Iris iberica, г — Iris pseuda-corus, д — Iris kaempferi, e — Iris setosa, ж — Iris halophila, з — Iris foetidissima, и — Iris ruthenica

134.  Protection  of the flowers from  wind: covering of pods with a plastic bag
134. Protection of the flowers from wind: covering of pods with a plastic bag

135.  Propagation of the bearded iris: (left) the rhizome removed from soil (right) segment of the rhizome ready for planting
135. Propagation of the bearded iris: (left) the rhizome removed from soil (right) segment of the rhizome ready for planting

136.  Division of an annual offset of the rhizome into budded cuttings
136. Division of an annual offset of the rhizome into budded cuttings

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