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Gallery 19

Winter on the Crimean Southern Coast lasts just a few days
Winter on the Crimean Southern Coast lasts just a few days


Decorative Japanese apricot
Decorative Japanese apricot

Snow is always a surprise for the Joshua tree
Snow is always a surprise for the Joshua tree

Erected in 1977, this new  laboratory building is provided  with the most up-to-date equipment which makes it possible for the scientific personnel of the Garden to carry out complex scientific researches concerning the problems of introduction, selection, plant protection and preserving the specific climatic properties of the Crimean Southern Coast
Erected in 1977, this new laboratory building is provided with the most up-to-date equipment which makes it possible for the scientific personnel of the Garden to carry out complex scientific researches concerning the problems of introduction, selection, plant protection and preserving the specific climatic properties of the Crimean Southern Coast

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