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Gallery 3

Yu. Luks, Kandidat of Biology and head of floricultural laboratory with scientific workers
Yu. Luks, Kandidat of Biology and head of floricultural laboratory with scientific workers

М. Chemarin and A. Glazurinar  Kandidats of Science, in the laboratory of radiobiology
М. Chemarin and A. Glazurinar Kandidats of Science, in the laboratory of radiobiology

Museum of Nikitsky Botanical Garden
Museum of Nikitsky Botanical Garden

Museum of Nikitsky Botanical  Garden. I. Kryukova, head of the  museum and  Kandidat of Biology, conducts a group of excursionists
Museum of Nikitsky Botanical Garden. I. Kryukova, head of the museum and Kandidat of Biology, conducts a group of excursionists

Yuri Gagarin, the world's first cosmonaut, on a visit to the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, 1962, Archives photo
Yuri Gagarin, the world's first cosmonaut, on a visit to the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, 1962, Archives photo

Visitors go for a walk to the Nikitsky Botanical Garden
Visitors go for a walk to the Nikitsky Botanical Garden

In the Lower Park
In the Lower Park

This corner of the Garden with its stone pine and pyramidal cypress is called an Italian landscape
This corner of the Garden with its stone pine and pyramidal cypress is called an Italian landscape

Road to Cape Montedor
Road to Cape Montedor

Lookout point
Lookout point

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