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Nikitsky botanical garden
Nikitsky botanical garden

The Nikitsky Botanical Garden, a unique preserve of Crimean nature and a supreme example of park architectural landscaping, is the largest scientific-research establishment in the south of the Soviet Union. More than 28,000 species and hybrids of various tropical plants have been collected in this green treasury. Its arboretum is one of the world's finest. The trees and shrubs, totalling 1,500 species, are planted in individual groups or picturesque clusters that blend into a single artistic design. There is also a wonderful rosarium and a special display of clematis and chrysanthemums. Hundreds of thousands of visitors from the Soviet Union and from abroad come to Nikitsky every year.

Main entrance to the Nikitsky Botanical Garden
Main entrance to the Nikitsky Botanical Garden

The present album will acquaint you with the extensive work carried out by the staff of this world-known botanical garden and also with the rich collection of plants representing the florae of different parts of the world.

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